Cool little 1971 VW Bug in to remedy some poor workmanship...
Matt Keene
Time for an Airkraft built 1600
A quick tracking check explained the terrible steering issue....
One of my pet hates and a indication of poor workmanship. The tracking incorrectly set and the steering wheel off centre with the wheels dead ahead!
So.... The front was toe- ing 1.25 degrees and the rear a massive 2 degree's!
No wonder!!!
Well, this is the first time Ive ever seen a piece of fuel hose & two jubilee clips used as a steering lock stop! Totally ineffective of course, as all it does is collapse, as above, allowing the wheel to foul the wheel arch. Downright dangerous...
Credit where credit is due. Someone has made some nice engine bay side panels with a nice swage detail
So, the engine has been suffering with overheating issues. A quick check revealed both fresh air heater pipes are venting to atmosphere! This is akin to leaving a water hose off a radiator on a water cooled car. Jeez, and this was from a so-called air- cooled VW specialist
Ive seen it all now!!
This is just incredible! The customer had an extortionate bill for engine work, which included engine removal and refitting several times, only to be told his engine is scrap! Even a home mechanic knows to be sure that the pulley Woodruff key must be correctly engaged, otherwise things go pear-shaped! The result, a brand new alternator is scrap!!! Have a look at where the Woodruff key has eaten into the bearing housing. Shocking!!!
So, it's turns out that the owner had fitted blanking plugs on the fanhousing heater ducts prior to taking it to the "specialist". Apparently the "specialist" decided to remove the plugs and vent the fanhousing to atmosphere. His justification for doing so was that he believed it might help the engine run better! Now that's the best case of clutching at straws I've ever heard! Perhaps by the same logic he also fitted the incorrect, smaller 32mm fan from a 1300 motor as well? Kind of goes with his rational thinking...
Well, the net result is an overheated engine and a cracked crankcase that's spewing oil. New engine time. Shame!
It's clear from the "witness" marks exactly what happened here. When the pulley was put on, the woodruff key was displaced and jammed between the back of the pulley and the alternator. A rookie error, but one that is easily checked as it's still possible to see woodruff key once the pulley is on! No question about...